Trivia about Webkinz!

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For context, I have been playing Webkinz since January of 2007... and I was only in preschool when I started, so I was actually below the target age of Webkinz! To this day, Webkinz is one of my comfort games, and I still have a genuine enjoyment for it.

However, due to the Webkinz franchise being 19 years old (!), a lot of info about the game has become quite obscure, especially regarding the early days. This list of trivia will primarily focus on Classic, but other parts of Webkinz, such as Next, the various spinoffs, and even some behind-the-scenes stuff, will also be discussed here.


This page is under construction at the moment. Not all of the trivia has been added/sorted, and the images and most citations will be added later. As such, I won't yet be including anything credit-requiring that I don't have direct sources for (since I don't want to plagiarize).

Also, back in, like, 2022, I made a poorly-narrated YouTube video featuring some of these facts. That video was on an old, deleted channel of mine (the one I had before my current, permanent channel). Please consider this web page to be a revised version of that video.


Trivia #1: The judges in the Tournament Arena games "Supermodelz" and "Chef Challenge" have consistent opinions; they are NOT randomly decided upon starting a round. For example, Monkey & Monkey always hate bananas in Chef Challenge (despite being, well, monkeys). This might also apply to the Stadium judges. I will test that out.

Trivia #2: Before the 2015 Webkinz X ""update"", crops could wilt if not tended to. One of these options was to water the plants. Unlike raking the weeds on plants, watering them did literally nothing!

Trivia #3: Karl, the Creative Director of Webkinz, met his real-life wife through his job working at Ganz. His wife designed the character Plumpy; and remember when "Sir Charles Rhineholt" married Plumpy in Webkinz World? Well, that was Karl's self-insert character!

Trivia #4: Back before Twitter went down the drain, Karl briefly had an account there, around 2020-2021. In one of his Tweets, he stated that despite Webkinz Day being celebrated on the 29th of April, Webkinz actually launched on April 15th, 2005! In 2006, Easter fell on the 17th, and Karl wanted there to be more space between Easter and Webkinz Day.

A picture of this will be added soon.

Trivia #5: In addition, the above piece of trivia (#4) also means Webkinz's public release was older than the first YouTube video! Although the YouTube website's domain name was registered on Feburary 14th of 2005, the first YouTube video was posted on April 23rd... therefore making it eight days newer than Webkinz!

Trivia #6: Although DiceKinz was removed from the "Things to Do" menu in 2012, it was still playable until Webkinz X happened in 2015! By clicking on a now-removed "billboard ad" on the Big Button of Kinzcash, players could be taken back to DiceKinz. This oddity can be seen in this video (which was NOT posted by me; I take no credit).

Trivia #7:

Trivia #8:

Trivia #9:

Trivia #10:

Trivia #11:

Trivia #12:

Far more to come...


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