"The Sims Superflat" project page

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What is this project?

So, here's the summary: I'm currently in the end-stages of working on a passion project, which has consumed my life for the past two years. This project is basically a Sims 3 world inhabited by 200+ Sims based on fictional characters, mythological figures, anthropomorphic software, etc. Plus their eventual kids... and one Sim for my self-insert character :P

Once I have finished making all the Sims, and the world for them to live in, I plan to film and edit a comedic YouTube series about it. The exact format is still being figured out, but it WILL have audio commentary, unlike most of my other videos.

You can view a list of my Sims and households HERE. Currently, 11 of 36 households have their pages and pictures up, but the list of Sims is pretty much finalized.

More details, please?

My series won't be to everyone's interest, so I've compiled a "positives and negatives" list, plus some aspects that I'm not sure how people would react to:

The Positives

- Yes, my computer CAN run that many Sims at once, and the lag is okay, even while recording. I've tested it thoroughly, and around 360 Sims is the point where it gets shaky, so I'll keep the population below that.

- All the normal Sims 3 fixes are in use (NRaas Overwatch + ErrorTrap, Smooth Patch, offline mode, quality-of-life mods, etc.) PLUS, I went above and beyond by installing "dxvk", to massively reduce RAM usage!

- I think I can make these videos super hilarious. My sense of humor is chaotic as heck, and I'm not afraid to try unusual storylines.

- I've personally noticed a general lack of YouTube videos with the same idea. Most of the popular Simmers tend to use OCs (original characters) rather than pre-existing ones, so I decided to help fill that void.

- I will use the NRaas StoryProgression "castes" to make sure the romantic relationships don't get too creepy in terms of age gaps. No teen pregnancy, teen WooHoo, or anything like that, either.

- There will be queer stuff. Everyone is bi, with a few exceptions: My self-insert character doesn't like WooHoo (I'm ace), characters canonically under 18 don't date (because there aren't enough of them for me to bother setting up more age group castes), some characters are only into one gender (no one is straight, but a few are gay or lesbian), and some are aroace (namely the Greek goddesses Athena and Hestia, but there are a couple of others too).

The Negatives

- For performance/routing reasons, the world will be entirely flat, aside from the beach/ocean in one corner. (I call it "Superflat", as a reference to Minecraft... hence the project name)

- The videos and game will be limited to 30 FPS, to reduce in-game lag, and save storage space on my computer.

- I picked the characters based on my own preferences, so some of them are super obscure.

- I cannot promise that everyone will stay in-character. Depending on the "plots" of the videos, and the limitations of The Sims 3, they may be uncharacteristically nice/mean.

- I have "face blindness" (Prosopagnosia) in real life, so most of my custom Sims will have "pudding face"/"same-face syndrome".

- I personally consider my voice to be super annoying. People say, "Oh, everyone hates hearing their own voice played back to them!", but I'm 99% sure mine is abnormally irritating. Just keep that in mind for when the commentated videos are released...

- The Sims 3 doesn't support nonbinary characters, so I didn't include any Sims who would risk being outright misgendered by the game. Sorry! It also doesn't technically support three-or-more-way marriages, but I have mods to slightly help with that...

Unsure if positive or negative

- I'm terrible at improvisation, so the audio commentary for the videos will be recorded AFTER the gameplay is. This means my reactions will be much less genuine, but hopefully more funny, because I'll have time to plan what I'm going to say.

- Due to the unpredictability of NRaas StoryProgression's immigration system, all kids will be biological. This means, yes, male-male and female-female pregnancy WILL occur.

- The videos will stay PG-13, so they won't be purposefully offensive or super gross, but they won't be exactly kid-friendly either.

- NRaas Master Controller will be in use, including the Cheats module. This means I may cheat-code my Sims out of bad situations... or into them!

- I plan to moderately increase the chance of meteors landing, just for kicks ;)


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