Trivia about RollerCoaster Tycoon 3!

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This page is under construction at the moment. Not all of the trivia has been added/sorted, and the images will be included later on.


This list was compiled with help from the folks over at ParkCrafters (a tycoon-game fan site, with a focus on the RCT series).

The thread where they helped me out can be found right here. I encourage you to visit them!

Pictures will be added to this list relatively soon.


Trivia #1: This pre-release interview with RCT3 developer Ken Allen contains several mentions of scrapped "Soaked!" expansion pack features. These features include:

Trivia #2: The overall (NOT individual/group) "Guest Info" menu in Complete Edition is glitched; an icon and two useful buttons are visually missing, although the buttons DO still work if clicked on.

A picture of this will be added soon.

Trivia #3: In the "A National Treasure" scenario, four torches are floating above the default build-height limit, for no apparent reason.

A picture of this will be added soon.

Trivia #4: Items sold in shops (food, accessories, etc) can be renamed via the shop interface, and this new name will show in the Peeps' "carrying" menu. This does NOT apply to food/drink "Extras", or passport machine prizes.

A picture of this will be added soon.

Trivia #5: If the helicopter which confiscates your neglected animals (YOU MONSTER!) is followed for long enough, it will dive towards the ground and suddenly vanish. Sometimes it even clips into the ground!

Trivia #6: The park entrance in the "Castaway Getaway" scenario can be deleted, which prevents any more Peeps from ever entering that particular save-file again.

A picture of this will be added soon.

Trivia #7: Using terrain slopes, it is possible to roll animal toys out of exhibits. There are several oddities with this:

I will test further, to see if animal toys are deleted on contact with "natural" water, or if the "James Hunt" cheat-dune-buggy collides with them.

Trivia #8: The RCT3 skybox has no moon, but it does have a sun and (blurry) stars.

Trivia #9: All the "water" rides, such as Windsurfers or Water Tricycles, are not able to be used by kids. Only teens and adults can use them. Credit for telling me this fact goes to tasewise992 on ParkCrafters.

Trivia #10: Additionally, kids cannot ride the following coaster types:

I would assume these limitations have something to do with their heights, and animation issues? Credit for telling me this fact goes to Traveller on ParkCrafters.

Trivia #11: Janitors have no falling animation, unlike the other staff members. They simply appear to be "running" in mid-air. Credit for telling me this fact goes to tasewise992 on ParkCrafters.

Trivia #12: The "drowning" animation for animal keepers has their shovel glitchily levitating above their model. Credit for telling me this fact goes to tasewise992 on ParkCrafters.

A picture of this will be added soon.

Trivia #13: Baby animals inherit their mother's "Social" number. For example, if you have a pregnant lioness with an 11 Social stat, her babies will always have an 11, too. Credit for telling me this fact goes to RobertaME on ParkCrafters.

Trivia #14: According to the official RCT3 guide by PRIMA, the Park Inspector has an actual name: Mr. Jobsworth. Credit for telling me this fact goes to RobertaME on ParkCrafters.

Trivia #15: If you delete a ride without an exit, while Peeps are on it, then they will be teleported to the map's origin; the coordiantes 0,0 (I wonder what would happen if 0,0 is placed "out of" the map, via the scenario editor? I'll be sure to test that!) Credit for telling me this fact goes to DCMM99 on ParkCrafters.

Trivia #16: In the scenario editor, using the map size editor, you can repeatedly move the entire park in one direction. (For example, by adding North and then subtracting South, over and over.). Doing this enough times will cause the skybox to glitchily "move" as well. Credit for telling me this fact goes to DCMM99 on ParkCrafters.

A picture of this will be added soon.

Trivia #17: If you use the same Aquarium piece over and over, the Excitement stat number will become negative! Credit for telling me this fact goes to DCMM99 on ParkCrafters.

That's all for now. Pictures and additional info to be added soon!


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